Thursday, January 22, 2009

So Long from Guangzhou China 1/22/09

Well, the end of our journey to China is upon us. It is hard to believe that we will leave the country once known to our daughter. So much has changed for both she and our family. We leave with mixed emotions but ready to be at home with our other children that we love and miss so much.

It is our desire to visit China again with our daughters Hope and Amelia and to share with them the wonderful memories that we have shared here.

Today was a fun-filled day of group photos in the lobby of the hotel, a trip to the Guanghzou Zoo which was very nice. After we returned from the zoo, it was time to visit the American Consulate. This is necessary so that we can finalize the adoption on the China side. We took an oath and after a few minutes we congratulated each other on being the parents of our children adopted from China.

There was more shopping and gathering as well as packing. We leave in the morning for the airport at 6:00 am. Bell boys just came to our room to take our luggage. It is now 9:30 pm our time. We are just about ready to go.....I guess. Long day tomorrow with a 5-6 hour layover in Shanghai :{ The only good part about this is that we will have other families with us to pass the time away.

Please pray for our flight and for Amelia she has not been feeling well the last few days and has an infection. Thankfully, we have an antibiotic that we started today. We finished up the night with dinner in the city with a few families that we have met along the way. Friendships for a lifetime, through adoption. A great time was had by all.

Dominic and a few of the youth went for their last night on the town to the local bowling alley. I think that they all had a great time here in China and experiencing life in a different way. Well, so long for now and we look forward to seeing our families and friends.


"T" said...

Wow Brizzi's it just seems like yesturday we were emailing back and forth about the wait, about what the trip would be like and now y'alls journey is almost over on China and a new one is to begin Here at Amelia's new home. It has been wonderful watching your family grow and y'all have been a Godsend for my family. Thank you and have a wonderful trip home.

BlessedMomof 5 said...

We can't wait to see you guys tomorrow night!!!!! Praying for smooth flying, a sleeping baby along the way and gracious and efficient immigration folks!
See you soon!
Melissa for all the Weikels

Bill and Toni said...

Godspeed on your journey Brizzi's - and ditto Melissa on the prayer for smooth flights and gracious and efficient immigration folks.

Congratulations and we'll see you tonight!!!
Toni, et al

"T" said...

Okay it's 9:34 pm on the 23rd. Hopeing y'all made it or are making it in okay. It's kinda like when you come in from the moon and you have that blackout period. Thats what it feels like. Okay maybe not that intence but close:)